⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ One of KCBS top 3 favorite wake surf boards! It sports a thinner core and is very responsive, making tricks easier to work the wave. This particular board has a blemish from factory and is sold heavily discounted because of a flaw but does not affect the integrity of the board at all. It took us a while to find it, but the paint on the underside of the board has a slightly darker red in one area, see photo.
Boards, Wakesurf Boards
Phase5 2022 Matrix Wakesurf Skim Board BLEM 56″
Original price was: $929.99.$800.00Current price is: $800.00.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ One of KCBS top 3 favorite wake surf boards! It sports a thinner core and is very responsive, making tricks easier to work the wave. This particular board has a blemish from factory and is sold heavily discounted because of a flaw but does not affect the integrity of the board at all. It took us a while to find it, but the paint on the underside of the board has a slightly darker red in one area, see photo.
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